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What You Have a Right to Expect of Me

  • You can expect me to treat you with the same respect and courtesy I require you to demonstrate in your own dealings with your fellow classmates and with me.
  • You can expect me to come to class on time and to conduct myself in a professional manner while I am there.
  • You can expect me to be prepared for lectures and to cover material in a thorough and organized manner.
  • You can expect me to answer your classroom questions to the best of my ability.  If it my opinion that your difficulty with the material requires that you attend an office hour or that you see a peer tutor, I may make that suggestion to you privately or in writing.
  • You can expect me to return graded assignments in a timely fashion.  In most cases, assignments will be graded and returned to you the next class meeting.
  • You can expect me to respond to your e-mails in a timely fashion.  I check my Pipeline CCRI e-mail account ([email protected]) several times each day and respond to incoming messages within 24-hours.  However, I only open e-mails that come from known sources so be sure to use your CCRI e-mail address when writing to me.
  • You can expect me to be available for extra help during my six scheduled office hours each week.  These office hours operate on a first-come-first-served basis.  If you have trouble meeting with me during these hours, I will make every effort to schedule a special office appointment with you during a time that is mutually convenient to both of us.