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ACCUPLACER Accommodation Requests

Steps for Requesting ACCUPLACER Accommodations

Following their acceptance for admission to the Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI), all new students are contacted to schedule mandatory placement tests in writing, reading and math before they may register for classes.

The ACCUPLACER Placement Test does not affect your admission to the college. The results simply help to place you in the appropriate courses. It is critical that you do your best on the ACCUPLACER assessment as your scores are used to determine your first semester classes. Please note that should your scores result in the need to take developmental or prerequisite classes in your first semester, your graduation from and/or transfer to four-year colleges or universities of interest may be delayed.

If you are requesting accommodations, your request must be reviewed and approved by CCRI’s Disability Accessibility for Students office before your test can be scheduled.

Step 1: Review information about the test content and format

It is helpful to review the format and content of the ACCUPLACER test before making your accommodation request. Please review information about the test content and format below. Please note that the only timed section of the ACCUPLACER test is the written essay section.

Type of Test

The ACCUPLACER consists of four parts. The first part of the test requires you to type an essay on the computer. Upon completion of the essay, you will continue to use a computer for the remaining three parts of the ACCUPLACER Assessment. The computerized tests are multiple choice and cover the areas of reading comprehension, mathematics, and sentence skills.

Written Essay

You will be given 45 minutes for the written portion of the placement test, and you will have several topics to which to respond in the form of a 5 paragraph essay.

Sentence Skills Test

There are two kinds of questions given in the Sentence Skills test: Sentence correction questions ask you to choose a word or a phrase to substitute for an underlined portion of a sentence; Construction shift questions ask that a sentence be rewritten in a specific way without changing the meaning. This test has 20 questions.

Reading Comprehension Test

This test measures your analytical and comprehensive reading skills and your ability to effectively apply what you have read. This test consists of 20 questions.

Arithmetic Test

This test measures your ability to perform basic operations and solve problems that involve fundamental arithmetic concepts. This test contains 17 questions.

Elementary Algebra Test

This test measures your ability to perform basic algebraic operations and to solve problems that involve elementary algebraic concepts. This test contains 12 questions.

College Algebra Test

Depending on your score in the Elementary Algebra Test, you may be required to complete the College Algebra Test. This test measures your ability to perform college-level algebraic operations and to solve problems that involve college-level algebraic concepts. This test contains 20 questions.

Computerized–Adaptive Testing

ACCUPLACER is an adaptive test. This means that the computer automatically determines which questions are presented to you based on your response to prior questions. This technique selects just the right questions for your level of ability. Each test is un-timed so that you can give each question as much thought as you wish. However, once you have selected and confirmed your answer, you cannot return to that question. The greater your demonstrated skill, the more challenging the questions will become.

Testing Time

You are given 45 minutes to complete the written essay. The computerized reading, sentence skills, math and computer skills tests are un-timed.

Use of Calculator with Online Tests

Some of the mathematics items within ACCUPLACER have pop-up calculators for students to use when answering some of the math questions. The items were written so that the use of a calculator will not help the student answer the question, but is provided simply as a tool for the student to use. For example, if a student is asked to calculate the area of a rectangle, she or he must know the formula (length times width) for calculating the area. The calculator is available in this case as a tool for multiplying the length times the width; it will not help the student who does not know the formula. Calculators are not available for all items. For example, if a student is asked to estimate the value of 9.755 times 5.688, the calculator is not available, because the question is asking students to round 9.755 to 10, and 5.688 to 6, and then multiply 10 times 6 in their heads. Since the use of the calculator would help the student answer this type of question, the calculator is not available.

Testing Regulations

Textbooks, protractors, notebooks, dictionaries or other papers of any kind (with the exception of scratch paper provided by the Test Administrator) will not be allowed in the testing room. Additionally, anyone who gives or receives help during the test, or uses notes, books or hand-held calculators of any kind will not be allowed to continue the test.

Step 2: Determine your accommodations

Please review the list of available accommodations below and determine the accommodations you need.

Extended Testing Time

Please note that only the written essay section of the ACCUPLACER is timed.

  • 50 percent (time and one-half)
  • 100 percent (double time)
Alternate Test Formats
  • Please contact your DAS Coordinator for more information about alternate test formats
Accommodations for Computer-based Testing
  • Ergonomic keyboard
  • Trackball mouse
  • Screen display enlargement
  • Reader
  • Scribe
  • Spellcheck use on essay portion
  • Assistance for Spoken Directions Only
    • Sign language interpreter

Step 3: Meet with a DAS Coordinator

Step 4: Gather your disability documentation

Step 5: Mail, email, or fax completed forms and documentation to the appropriate campus