
Shared Responsibilities

Faculty members have the right to: Faculty members have the responsibility to:
Expect a shared responsibility with students and DAS staff members to develop a specific plan to implement appropriate accommodations. Respect confidentiality.
Determine course content and general methods of teaching. Provide equal access to all course materials in order to maximize the learning of all students by applying Universal Design principles to all aspects of instruction.
Ensure that course standards are not lowered or compromised. Understand policies and law regarding students with disabilities. (Visit for more information.)
Make informed decisions about how to best adapt their teaching and assessment methods to accommodate all students. Reasonably accommodate students when a Request for Accommodations letter is received from DAS.
Determine through consultation with knowledgeable professionals the most appropriate ways to adapt their courses to meet the needs of their students. Refer students to DAS if they request accommodations for a disability, but do not provide the Request for Accommodations letter.
Question a specific accommodation request if it is inappropriate for the course or if the nature of the request would alter the essential requirements of a course. Reply to electronically sent Request for Accommodation letters from DAS in a timely manner. 
Ensure that a student has demonstrated mastery of the essential requirements of a course in order to obtain an appropriate grade. Fail students if they do not demonstrate mastery of essential course requirements. Understand that some students with disabilities have academic or behavior problems that are not related to their disabilities. Therefore faculty members are not obligated to treat such problems differently then they would for other students.
Be treated respectfully by all students in their class. Enforce student handbook policies equally for all students.