
Procedures College Will Follow When Receiving a Complaint of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking

  • College will assess the immediate safety needs of Complainant.
  • College will assist Complainant with contacting local police if Complainant requests AND Complainant will be provided with contact information for the local police department.
  • College will provide written instructions on how to apply for a Protective Order.
  • College will provide written information to Complainant on how to preserve evidence.
  • College will assess the need to implement interim or long-term protective measures to protect Complainant, if appropriate.
  • College will provide Complainant with a written explanation of Complainant’s rights and options.
  • College will provide a “No Trespass” directive to the accused party if deemed appropriate.

In cases of sexual assault, in addition to the above, the College will: provide written instructions on how to apply for a Protective Order, provide a copy of the policy applicable to Sexual Assault to Complainant, and inform Complainant regarding timeframes for inquiry, investigation, and resolution.

The College will provide written notification to the Complainant about options for and available assistance in changing academic, transportation, and working situations (if complainant is an employee or student worker), regardless of whether or not the Complainant chooses to report the crime to campus police or Local law enforcement.

Examples of a change in an academic situation include changing the physical location of the class; doing work outside the classroom; dropping a course(s) without financial penalty; rescheduling exams; arranging for a temporary withdrawal from a program; and identifying alternative course completion options. Examples of a change in transportation include changing parking locations; assistance with alternative transportation options; and escort to/from his/her vehicle. Examples of a change in work situation could include a change in supervision; a change in office location; working from home; arranging for a temporary leave; suspending the Respondent while the investigation is ongoing; and adjusting work schedule and/or responsibilities.

The College does not publish the name of crime victims or include identifiable information regarding victims in the Public Safety Department’s Daily Crime Log, in campus timely warnings issued, or online. Victims may request that directory information on file be removed from public sources by contacting Alix Ogden, Title IX Coordinator, and/or Taiwo Adefiyiju and Tracy Karasinski, Deputy Title IX Coordinators (Contact information listed previously).

The College will maintain as confidential any accommodations or protective measures provided to the victim, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the ability of the College to provide same.