
Emergency Response and Evacuation

The College’s Emergency Management Plan includes information about Incident Teams; College operating status parameters; incident priorities and performance expectations; shelter-in-place and evacuation guidelines; and local contingency and continuity planning requirements. Campus departments are responsible for developing contingency plans and continuity-of-operations plans for their staff and areas of responsibility.

Campus Police Officers and supervisors have received training in Incident Command and Responding to Critical Incidents on Campus. When a serious incident occurs that causes an immediate threat to the campus, the first responders to the scene are usually Campus Police, local Police from the respective campus jurisdiction, and/or the RI State Police, local emergency services, fire, rescue, etc., and who typically respond and work together to manage the incident. Depending on the nature of the incident, other CCRI departments and other local or federal agencies could also be involved in responding to the incident.

Although each campus is different, all alarms and instructions must be followed. Once a fire alarm is activated or a public address message states that an evacuation is ordered, all occupants of the building must immediately evacuate. Occupants are advised to move away from the building to a safe area and not interfere with emergency responders. Depending on the scenario/campus/incident in question, evacuees may be directed to holding areas. All faculty, students, and staff must follow the direction of emergency responders.

Each year, the College will conduct a test of its emergency response and evacuation procedures and document the results. The date/time/and description of the exercise will be recorded as well as whether the test/exercise was announced or unannounced.


The Community College of Rhode Island complies with all federal, state and local regulations relating to the prohibition of criminal conduct, including those which regulate the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, and firearms. Regulations governing student conduct are contained within the Student Handbook

Employees are notified by the Office of Personnel Services of all pertinent regulations.[BROKEN LINK]

Policy on Off-Campus Conduct

The College shall have jurisdiction over student conduct which occurs on campus property or in correlation with College functions and affairs. The College shall also have discretion to exercise jurisdiction over conduct which occurs off-campus and which would violate student conduct and discipline policies or regulations if the conduct occurred on campus when (1) the alleged misconduct indicates the student may be a threat to the safety or security of members of the College community, or College property, functions or facilities, or (2) the alleged misconduct involves academic work or any records, documents, or identifications of the College.

Specifically, Student Judicial Affairs may choose to exercise jurisdiction over off-campus incidents under section (1) above where the alleged misconduct involves:

A. Rape or sexual assault, any other physical assault, threats of violence, or conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person;

B. Stalking or sexual harassment;

C. possession or use of weapons, explosives, or destructive devices;

D. manufacture, sale or distribution of controlled substances;

E. hate crimes;

F. hazing; and

G. conduct which would constitute felony burglary, robbery, aggravated assault, theft, etc.

Students involved in any of these offenses are subject to suspension or expulsion from the College.