
The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act

The Student Right to Know and Campus Crime Awareness Act of 1990 mandates that all universities and colleges report certain information relating to campus crime statistics and campus police policies of that institution. In addition, the law requires the college to prepare, publish, and make available to all current students and employees, and to any applicant for enrollment or employment upon request, an annual police/security report. The report must include information about campus police/security policies and crime statistics of that institution.

Dedicated enforcement of college regulations, coupled with crime prevention and safety programs, help to meet these responsibilities. The Department strives to provide the high quality of safety and crime prevention services required to meet the needs of a progressive academic institution.

The authority for college police officers is granted by the RI Council on Postsecondary Education under Rhode Island General Law (RIGL 16-52-2). College police officers have the same authority conferred upon municipal police in the State of Rhode Island. Their authority includes the right to issue Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal summons. The department maintains a close working relationship with the local police departments where each of our campuses is located, the Office of Student Affairs, the College Judiciary Committee, Student Government, Physical Plant, and other campus and non-campus organizations. The police department has many responsibilities including campus patrolling, both on foot and in vehicles, preventing, detecting and investigation of criminal activities, assisting the disabled, fire safety services, crime prevention services, general building security and special event security. The department is also responsible for issuing parking permits, parking control, and motor vehicle control on campus.

 The CCRI Police Department maintains a Memorandum of Understanding with the Providence, Warwick, Newport, and Lincoln Police Departments.  This allows rapid and robust mutual aid to assist our police department in any emergency. CCRI Police can contact our neighboring agencies immediately by radio to request this assistance.