
Hazardous Substance Release Contingency Plan


The Community College of Rhode Island consists of four main campuses and a satellite location, each with its own EPA Identification Number, located as follows:

  • Flanagan Campus: 1762 Louisquisset Pike, Lincoln, RI 02865 EPA ID # RID040094328
  • Liston Campus, One Hilton Street, Providence, RI 02905, EPA ID # RID987475050
  • Knight Campus, 400 East Avenue, Warwick, RI 02886, EPA ID # RID075709345
  • Newport County Campus, One John H. Chafee Boulevard, Newport, RI 02840, EPA ID # RIR000504407

The facilities generally operate from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM weekdays and for shorter hours on weekends. The College's Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code is 8222.


This Hazardous Substance-Hazardous Waste Release Contingency Plan describes the emergency procedures that will be implemented in the event of a fire, explosion, release or other emergency involving hazardous chemicals, chemicals, hazardous waste, biomedical materials or regulated medical waste to ensure public, employee and student safety and to minimize the potential impact on the environment. The purpose of this plan is to:

  • List areas of the college where Hazardous Waste is generated or stored.
  • Describe emergency communication equipment to be used in the event of an emergency.
  • Designate responsibility to authorized, trained persons in the event of an emergency.
  • Specify emergency procedures in the event of an emergency.
  • Specify the emergency, governmental and environmental agencies that are to be contacted.
  • Describe the response, control, containment, and cleanup methods to be used.
  • Provide a directory of equipment available. Specify the vendors to be contacted to provide cleanup services.

Implementation of the College Hazardous Substance/Hazardous Waste Release Emergency Contingency Plan is based on an evaluation of the potential or actual threat to public health, safety, welfare, or to the environment. This evaluation, made by the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police and/or the Chemical Safety Coordinator is based on the following criteria: Nature and Extent of the Emergency: The degree of hazard associated with the material is evaluated with regard to fire, explosion, reactivity, toxicity, total quantity released and infective potential; Location of the Emergency: the extent and the potential for mitigation is considered.


CCRI stores chemicals, biological materials and hazardous waste in special sites at each facility. CCRI has taken the following steps to prevent fires and releases:

Segregation of incompatible chemicals and wastes, providing secondary confinement for wastes and other hazardous substances, storing solvents in flameproof cabinets and explosion-proof refrigerators, securing gas cylinders to walls, prohibiting smoking inside the facility, installing fire suppression systems, grounding solvent storage drums, and installing explosion proof equipment.

A copy of the college chemical inventory and SDS's for all hazardous substances are kept at each Department of Safety and Security and Campus Police office. Wall-mounted SDS stations are located outside of each area or room of CCRI where chemicals are stored. Rooms where hazardous materials and hazardous waste are kept have NFPA (National Fire Prevention Association) decals and/or placards identifying the type of hazard. Specific rooms where hazardous materials are stored and hazardous waste is generated include:

  • Flanagan Campus
    • Allied and Rehabilitative Health Laboratory, Room 1824
    • Allied and Rehabilitative Health Laboratory, Room 2808
    • Art Department Ceramics Storage Room 2440
    • Art Studios, Rooms 2412 and 2414
    • Biology Laboratories, Rooms 1808, 1812, 1816, 1820
    • Chemistry Preparation Room and Laboratories, Rooms 2814, 2816, 2818
    • Chemistry Department Basement Storage, Room 3020
    • Dental Clinic, Room 1120
    • Dental Health Storage, Mod South 2 Basement
    • Dental Materials Laboratory, Room 1114
    • Field House Pool Chemicals, Room 0086
    • Field House Janitorial Supplies Storage, Room 0046
    • Main Hazardous Waste Storage Area, Room 3020
    • Photography Darkroom, Room 3438
    • Physical Plant Welding Shop, Room 3024 and Carpentry Shop, Room 3026
    • Physical Plant Storage, Room 3044
    • Theater Scene Shop, Room 2200
    • Above-Ground Propane Tank north of Module 1
    • Below-Ground Propane Storage Tank southwest of Module 3
    • Vehicle Maintenance Garage west of the Field House
  • Providence Campus
    • Art Studio, Room 169
    • Biology/Chemistry Storage, Room 141
    • Biology/chemistry Laboratories, Rooms 143 and 144
    • Phlebotomy Laboratory, Room 145
    • Maintenance Storage, Room 167
    • Above ground diesel fuel storage tank at Hilton St. entrance, south side of building
  • Knight Campus
    • Art Department Storage, Rooms 4036, 4038, 4050
    • Art Department Student Photography darkroom, Room 4060.
    • Biology Laboratories, Rooms 3028, 3030, 3034, 3036, 3040, 3044.
    • Boiler Room Diesel Fuel Tanks, Room 0232
    • Chemistry Lab Storage, Rooms 3056 and 3062
    • Chemistry Laboratories, Rooms 3054, 3060, 3066
    • Chemistry Department Basement storage, Room 0138
    • Main Hazardous Waste Storage Area, Room 0138
    • Physical Plant Storage, Room 0160
    • Public Relations Darkroom, 5562
    • Theater Scene Shops, Rooms 0528 and 0532
    • Aboveground Diesel Fuel Tank northwest of the Field house
    • Aboveground Diesel Fuel Tank south of Pump House at East Street entrance
    • Aboveground No. 2 Heating Oil Tank behind Conference Center
    • Aboveground No. 2 Heating Oil Tanks in president's house basement
    • Aboveground No. 2 Heating Oil Tanks in president's garage basement
    • Aboveground No. 2 Heating Oil Tank in guest house basement
    • Vehicle Maintenance Garage south of the main building
  • Newport County Campus
    • Biology/Chemistry Laboratories, Rooms 122, 126, 129.
    • Nursing Laboratory, room 114
    • Dining Services Kitchen, Room 137
    • Main Accumulation Area, room 001
    • Boiler Room, Room 020
    • Sprinkler room, Room 006

CCRI follows the Hazardous Waste Management Procedures summarized in Part 13 of this Plan. CCRI's complete Hazardous Waste Management Training Program is available on-line at Hard copies are on file in all Campus Police offices, Physical Plant Directors' offices and may also be obtained from the Chemical Safety Coordinator. Waste is collected in Satellite Accumulation Areas, identified by placards in laboratories, maintenance shops, art studios and photography darkrooms. Wastes are transferred to labeled DOT-approved containers in fire-protected Main Hazardous Waste Storage Areas with impervious concrete floors and concrete berms. In accordance with Rhode Island regulations, the college has registered as a large quantity generator. Wastes are periodically shipped off-site (every 90 days or less) to licensed disposal facilities by licensed hazardous waste transporters.


CCRI has installed equipment and is operated to minimize the threat to public health, safety, welfare, and the environment from fire, explosion, unplanned releases of hazardous materials, or other emergencies. CCRI is prepared to react to any unusual situation quickly, to mitigate potential consequences. Communication systems at the college include a public address system, personal pagers and an extensive phone system to warn all personnel of a potentially dangerous situation or to initiate an evacuation of the building. Access to the phone system is provided throughout the college and a list of emergency numbers including, police, fire, and Emergency Contact Persons is kept in each laboratory and shop and by the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police. The college is equipped with emergency fire alarms. When the college alarms are sounded the appropriate fire and emergency response personnel are immediately contacted. The college is equipped with emergency equipment for use in the event of a release.


In case of any hazardous waste incident, the first person on the scene should immediately contact a Primary Emergency Contact Person at the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police by dialing 401-333-7035 (Flanagan Campus), 401-825-2109 (Knight Campus) 401-455-6050 (Liston Campus ), 401-851-1620 (Newport Campus) or the Chemical Safety Coordinator at 401-333-7140 (Flanagan Campus. The Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police will determine what further steps are necessary to safeguard heath and safety, according to this Hazardous Substance And Hazardous Waste Release Contingency Plan. If the spill or release is considered significant, the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police will make the decision to evacuate the building and contact local fire and police authorities. If the incident is minor, the Chemical Safety Coordinator will be called to plan a cleanup strategy.


Designated Primary Emergency Contact Persons and alternates are responsible for coordinating response to incidents involving hazardous waste and other hazardous substances. The following persons have been assigned to act as Primary Emergency Contact Persons and must be contacted immediately when an incident occurs. At any time at least one of the Primary Emergency Contact Persons is on college premises or is on call. In the unlikely event that one of them cannot be contacted directly at once, the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police has pager numbers, emergency contact telephone numbers and home telephone numbers on file for all the Primary Emergency Contact Persons.

The Primary Emergency Contact Persons or the Alternate Emergency Contact Persons must be contacted in the following instances: Whenever any release or leak of hazardous waste in a Main Hazardous Waste Storage area or in a Satellite Accumulation Area is noticed or reported. Whenever a release or leak of hazardous materials from any other area in the college is reported or is observed. Whenever there is release of unknown material that may reasonable be expected to pose a threat to health, safety or to the environment. Whenever there is an unexplained odor or other unexplained occurrence inside a college building or outside a building.

The Emergency Contact Persons are authorized to act as on-scene coordinators and to commit the necessary resources during an emergency. The coordinators are familiar with all aspects of the contingency plan, all operations and activities at the college, the locations and characteristics of wastes handled, the location of all college records and the physical layout of the college buildings and grounds. The emergency contact persons will take all reasonable measures to ensure that fires, explosions, and/or releases do not occur, recur, or spread to other areas of the college. These measures shall include, stopping operations, containing released wastes or isolating containers.

Primary Emergency Contacts for all CCRI Locations and Hazardous Substance Emergencies:

  • Rick Foote, Triumvirate Environmental Outsourcing Program Director at [email protected], 617-686-6184 or 401-333-7129; or.

Primary Emergency Contacts for Hazardous Substance Emergencies at the Flanagan Campus, Lincoln, RI and the Liston Campus in Providence, RI are:

Primary Emergency Contacts for Hazardous Substance Emergencies at the Knight Campus in Warwick, RI and the Newport County Campus in Newport, RI are:

The following Alternate Emergency Contact persons are familiar with the types of hazardous materials handled in their specific work areas or are familiar in with all areas of their campus. In particular, laboratory paraprofessionals are familiar with the specific substances and their hazards in their work areas. Campus Police officers are familiar with all the areas in the buildings they patrol. After the primary Emergency Contact Persons have been notified, these persons should be contacted at their college telephones or at their home telephone numbers or through the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police to provide specific information for an emergency in their areas or departments. In addition to all the named college personnel, the Director of Administration, William Ferland must be contacted in the event of a serious incident at college telephone 401-825-1210 or through the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police.

Alternate Emergency Contact Persons Listed by Location:

  • Flanagan Campus:
  • Providence Campus:
  • Warwick Campus:
  • Newport Campus:


The Main Accumulation Areas are equipped with hard-wired two-way communication systems that are left on 24 hours a day. When an authorized person signs out a key from the Campus Police office to enter a Main Accumulation Areas, the person issuing the key turns up the volume on the communication system to allow two-way conversation with the person entering the Main Accumulation Area. Persons who enter the Main Accumulation Areas test the system by initiating a two-way conversation with Security each time they enter.

Fire alarm pull boxes are available throughout all the college buildings and just outside the entrance of each Main Accumulation Area. Pulling a fire alarm box sets off an audible alarm heard in all parts of the campus (accompanied by a flashing strobe light for the hearing-impaired). When a fire alarm is actuated, the building is always evacuated immediately.

Campus Police officers communicate with the Campus Police Office by means of two-way radios carried on their persons when they are on duty.

The Campus Police Offices have a public address system at each campus for alerting the entire campus of any emergency, fire or other unsafe situation.

The Campus Police Offices are immediately accessible to anyone on campus by telephones in all offices and in the corridors and other public areas. The Campus Police extension for each campus is clearly posted on all telephones in public areas. Campus Police office telephone numbers are:

  • Flanagan Campus, Lincoln, RI, 401-333-7035
  • Liston Campus, Providence, RI, 401-455-6050
  • Knight Campus, Warwick, RI, 401-825-2109
  • Newport County Campus, Newport, RI 401-851-1620

Primary Emergency Contact persons carry pagers with publicized numbers or mobile phones whose numbers are kept on file in the Campus Police Offices.


Fire extinguishers (carbon dioxide or dry powder types) are located throughout all buildings of the college, in corridors, laboratories, kitchens and common areas. All science laboratories and Satellite Accumulation Areas are equipped with dry powder or carbon dioxide extinguishers.

Fire hose stations are located on every floor near strategic areas such as stairwells.

Automatic carbon dioxide fire suppression systems equipped with audible alarms are located in the Main Accumulation Areas.

Sprinkler systems are not installed in most areas of the Community College of Rhode. There are no automatic sprinkler systems in the vicinity of any of the Satellite Accumulation Areas or Main Hazardous Waste Storage Areas.

All fire-extinguishing systems are maintained on a scheduled basis by licensed contractors.


Spill control equipment in located in each Main Accumulation Area and consists of: 100 pounds or more of granular sodium carbonate for absorbing acid spills; approximately 100 pounds or more of clay-based granular material for absorbing spills of organic liquids and other liquids; heavy-duty non-sparking plastic scoops for spreading the absorbent materials.

Brooms, brushes and shovels for gathering loose absorbent material; heavy-duty universal spill kits for absorbing most liquid spills.

DOT-approved five-gallon pails and 30-gallon drums with covers for storing contaminated absorbent material prior to disposal as hazardous waste.

Personal Protective Equipment: Satellite Accumulation Areas, Main Accumulation Areas and other areas of the college are equipped with the following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Disposable vinyl, neoprene or other nonlatex impervious gloves in all laboratories, Satellite Accumulation Area, Main Storage Areas, Physical plant offices and Campus Police Offices.

Eye wash stations in all laboratories, Satellite Accumulation Areas and Main Storage Areas.

Decontamination safety showers in all laboratories, Satellite Accumulation Areas and Main Storage Areas.

First aid kits in laboratories, Campus Police Offices, Satellite Accumulation Areas and Main Storage Areas.

Chemical splash goggles in all laboratories, Campus Police offices, Satellite Accumulation Areas and Main Storage Areas.

Chemical resistant rubber boots stored in Campus Police Offices or outside Main Accumulation Areas.


Evacuation Plan:

The Community College of Rhode Island operates its facilities in a manner that minimizes the possibility of an emergency situation. However, should an emergency situation arise, the college is prepared to react quickly and in a manner that will protect the safety of all workers and students, the safety of all emergency response personnel, and will mitigate potential adverse effects on the environment. In the event of a hazardous substance release, fire or explosion, it may be necessary to evacuate college personnel or to take lesser action. The director of the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police has the authority to determine if evacuation is necessary. Personnel are then evacuated from the building, following instructions from the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police in CCRI's Emergency Response Guide. Evacuation procedures in the Guide are:


Injury to individuals and /or damage to the environment can be caused by any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous materials. IF YOU WITNESS SPILLAGE OF A POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL OR YOU SMELL FUMES:

  1. Determine if a hazardous spill or exposure has occurred. The first step is to determine the existence, or potential existence of a hazardous material. Where unidentified substances or vapors are involved, it is always prudent to assume they are toxic or hazardous until determined otherwise.
  2. Determine the location of the exposure. It is important to ascertain quickly the location of any incident involving hazardous materials. Investigate only from a safe distance and do not risk contact or further exposure to the chemicals intended for use, waste chemicals, and infectious material.
  3. Immediately report to COLLEGE POLICE: KNIGHT CAMPUS 825-2109, FLANAGAN CAMPUS 333-7035, NEWPORT CAMPUS, 851-1620 PROVIDENCE CAMPUS 455-6050, the nature and location of the material, and report any medical emergencies or concerns. College police will contact the necessary specialized authorities and medical personnel.
  4. Evacuate the affected area at once closing doors behind you to secure the area and prevent further contamination until the arrival of emergency personnel. Report to an appropriate Building Evacuation assembly area, ensuring that your group is safely distant from the affected area.
  5. Stay with your students and await further instructions Report all medical concerns to emergency personnel or your Officer in charge.


Follow all instructions provided by Charge Officers and other authorized personnel regarding evacuation routes and destinations.

College police security vehicles will be used as a first priority.

If necessary persons without vehicles first will be instructed to attempt to identify drivers who can accommodate additional passengers in their vehicles.

Exit routes for vehicles from all campuses will be determined by the Officer in charge of the emergency or a delegate of that office.

Floor plans showing primary and secondary evacuation routes from the Main Accumulation Areas are contained in the Appendix A of this Contingency Plan and in the appendix of the Hazardous Waste Management Program.

Emergency Notification:

In case of a substantial release of hazardous material or hazardous waste or a fire involving hazardous material or hazardous waste, the CCRI Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police will immediately notify the Rhode Island State Fire Marshal's office and the local fire department and police department for the affected campus. CCRI has sent the local fire departments, local police departments and the State Fire Marshal's Office an explanatory letter and copies of this plan to familiarize them with the types of hazards they may face in an emergency. The fire and police departments for each CCRI campus are:

  • All Campuses
    • The Rhode Island State Fire Marshal's Office
      24 Conway Avenue
      North Kingstown, RI 02852
      Telephone 401-294-0861
  • Flanagan Campus
    • Lime Rock Fire District
      1085 Great Road
      Lincoln, RI 02865
      Telephone 401-333-1111
    • Lincoln Police Department
      100 Old River Road
      Lincoln, RI 02865
      Telephone 401-333-8281
  • Newport Campus
    • Newport Fire Department
      21 West Marlboro Street
      Newport, RI 02840
      Telephone 401-847-6896
    • Newport Police Department
      120 Broadway
      Newport, RI 02840
      Telephone 401-847-1306
  • Liston County Campus
    • Providence Fire Department
      Fire Prevention Office
      325 Washington Street
      Providence, RI 02903
      Telephone 401-421-8290
    • Providence Police Department
      La Salle Square
      Providence, RI 02903
      Telephone 401-272-3121
  • Knight Campus
    • Warwick Fire Department
      140 Veterans Memorial Drive
      Warwick, RI 02886
      Telephone 401-468-4063
    • Warwick Police Department
      140 Veterans Memorial Drive
      Warwick, RI 02886
      Telephone 401-468-4200


The rescue unit responding to an emergency has the authority to select the hospital to treat injuries or illnesses that occur at CCRI. The hospital chosen is not always the local hospital or the closest facility, but the one best equipped at the moment to handle the medical emergency. CCRI has sent all hospitals located near its campuses an explanatory letter and copies of this plan to familiarize them with the types of hazards they may face in an emergency. The hospitals are:

  • Kent Hospital
    455 Toll Gate Road
    Warwick, RI 02886
    Telephone 401-737-7000
  • Landmark Medical Center
    115 Cass Avenue
    Woonsocket, RI 02895
    Telephone 401-769-2200
  • Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island
    111 Brewster Street
    Pawtucket, RI 02260
    Telephone 401-729-2191
  • Miriam Hospital
    164 Summit Avenue
    Providence, RI 02906
    Telephone 401-793-5060
  • Rhode Island Hospital
    593 Eddy Street
    Providence, RI 02903
    Telephone 401-444-4300
  • St. Joseph Health Services
    200 High Service Avenue
    North Providence, RI 02904
    Telephone 401-456-3000

In addition to the above police and fire authorities, CCRI will also notify, if appropriate given the severity of the incident:

  • John Leo at the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management at 401-222-1360, 401-222-3070 or 1-800-489-1336 in the event of a release of hazardous materials.
  • The National Response Center (NRC), the national agency for reporting Oil, Chemical, Radiological and Biological spills at 1-800-424-8802. The NRC will need the college's name, address and telephone number, the nature of the material released, time of release and the reasons the release occurred. The NRC will then pass the information along to the appropriate response agency.


Due to the limited types of chemicals and wastes stored at this College, determining the source and nature of a spill is relatively easy. Ample area is provided within the storage area so that each drum, can or bottle can be visually inspected and any leaking container easily identified. All chemical and waste containers are properly labeled and easily identified by sight so the Chemical Safety Coordinator can assess the source, amount, and extent of a released material by visual inspection. Precautions have been taken to minimize the potential for a spill. However, the following procedures should be employed if a spill occurs. A Primary Emergency Contact Person in conjunction with the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police and the Chemical Safety Coordinator determines the extent of the emergency direct the appropriate response action. Other than evacuation of the entire facility, the response, under the direction of Campus Police Officers or the Chemical Safety Coordinator may be to close doors to isolate a spill or contain odors or fumes, cordon off an area, spread absorbent material or spill pillows to contain a spill, or sweep up and package spilled dry material.

Immediately contact the Director of the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police and the Chemical Safety Coordinator or any of the Primary Emergency Contact Persons for Hazardous Substance Emergencies.

The Chemical Safety Coordinator or other qualified person inspects the spill area and assesses the quantity spilled, determines the identity of the spilled material, and assesses the potential for migration of the material.

The Chemical Safety Coordinator or a Primary Emergency Contact Persons for Hazardous Substance Emergencies contacts appropriate agencies if necessary.

The Chemical Safety Coordinator or the Primary Emergency Contact Persons for Hazardous Substance Emergencies directs the appropriate cleanup action based on an assessment of the situation and information supplied on appropriate MSDSs. By law, only persons who have 24 hour OSHA 1910.120 Hazmat Technician Training are allowed to clean up or mitigate anything but a minor spill or release.

Note: The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management must be notified at 401-222-1360 (days) or 401-222-3070 (after hours) in addition to any cleanup or mitigation company listed below.


CCRI has agreements under State of Rhode Island Master Price Agreement (MPA) #118 with five separate contractors for cleanup of Hazardous Waste and Petroleum Related Emergencies. The contract is valid for the dates 04-01-99 to 12-31-02. The agreements are in force with each contractor for "Events" described in the MPA as follows: Corrosive Events, Flammable Events, Reactive Events, Poison Events, Cyanide Events, Asbestos Events, Medical Events, Petroleum Events

For each Event the Master Price Agreement lists possible "Scenarios": Large Cleanup Scenario, Routine Response Scenario, Routine Pickup of Hazardous Wastes, Pickup of Drum Hazardous Waste, Disposal of Hazardous Waste, Storage of Hazardous Waste. The Hazardous Waste and Petroleum Related Emergencies cleanup contractors listed in Master Price Agreement No. 118 are:

  • Triumvirate Environmental
    200 Inner Belt Road
    Somerville, MA 02143
  • Fleet Environmental Services
    100 Water Street
    East Providence, RI 02914
  • Clean Harbors Environmental Services
    1 Terminal Road
    Providence, RI 02905
  • CYN Environmental Services
    7 Morgan Mill Road
    Johnston, RI 02919
  • ATC Lincoln Associates
    333 Washington Highway
    Smithfield, RI 02917
    800-659-3353 or 401-232-3353

For cleanup of spilled or released biohazardous material, the master Price Agreement lists the following contractor:

  • Clean Harbors Environmental Services
    Terminal Road
    Providence, RI 02905


It is expected that the majority of spills at CCRI would result from a broken bottle or from leaking or mishandled drums. The following is the proper cleanup procedure for a minor incident, such as a slowly leaking drum or a small spill. Cleanup by CCRI personnel may only be attempted if a spill is minor, there is no danger from toxic or corrosive materials and if permission has been granted by the Chemical Safety Coordinator or other responsible person.

All participating personnel wear protective clothing appropriate for the material spilled, such as gloves, apron and chemical splash goggles. If any noxious fumes or odors are noted or if there is the suspicion of toxic gases or mists, no one may enter the area without wearing proper respiratory protection. Respirators must not be worn except by persons previously examined by a physician, fit tested for a respirator and specifically trained in respirator use.

The contaminated area is roped off or otherwise protected from unauthorized entry.

Absorbent is spread around the leaking container in sufficient quantity to absorb and contain the leaking material.

The remaining contents of a leaking drum are transferred via a drum pump to a clean compatible empty 55 gallon drum (drums have been set aside for this purpose).

Absorbent or other cleanup materials is used to remove the remaining liquid.

A wet/dry vacuum is never used on material that is combustible or could release toxic gases.

The spent absorbent medium must be placed into a DOT-approved open head steel or plastic drum, whichever is appropriate. The drum must have a HAZARDOUS WASTE label on its side with the college name, campus address, campus EPA identification number, date the barrel was filled, and a complete chemical description and appropriate waste codes for the waste inside. The barrel must then be taken to a Main Accumulation Area for storage prior to off-site disposal by a licensed hazardous waste handler.

Contaminated surfaces are cleaned with a non-toxic solvent or water-soluble cleaner and the contaminated cleaning supplies placed in the barrel with the bulk of the absorbed spill.

The Emergency Contact Persons remain at the spill scene until the cleanup operation has been completed. The Emergency Contact Persons then ensures that all spent material is properly secured for disposal and all used supplies are promptly replaced. It is the responsibility of the Emergency Contact Persons to ensure that all wastes and cleanup supplies are placed in compatible containers for proper off-site disposal and that each container is properly labeled.


Immediate care and medical attention is of utmost importance when dealing with the seriously injured. The following steps are to be followed when dealing with a serious injury: The person reporting the injury must notify the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police with information concerning the number of persons injured and extent of injury. If the area does not appear to be safe to enter (fire, noxious fumes), this is also reported. The Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police will arrange for transportation to a local hospital emergency room or to one of the Occupational Health + Rehabilitation locations in Pawtucket or Warwick, RI.

Eye Contact with Corrosives:

If a corrosive contacts the eyes, immediately take the inured to the nearest eye wash station or other potable water supply. Position the person so copious amounts of water can be introduced into the eyes. The natural reflex action upon intrusion of water into the eye is to close the lids. You may have to hold or force the injured person's eyelids open in order to get the water inside. Continue flushing for 15 minutes. When the injured is stable enough to maintain flushing on his own, immediately contact the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police. Seek medical attention immediately.

Skin Contact with Corrosives:

Take the person to the nearest safety shower or other source of potable water. Begin flushing immediately, making certain that all areas of contact are receiving water. Due to possible pain of corrosive burns, you may have to restrain the injured person. As soon as practical, either remove or have the injured remove any affected clothing. When the injured has stabilized and can continue flushing on his/her own, contact the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police. If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention.


Amendments to the Hazardous Substance And Hazardous Waste Release Emergency Response Plan may be proposed by any of the state, local OR federal agencies, such as the local fire or police department or the EPA. Employees of CCRI involved in the handling or management of hazardous materials are also encouraged to propose changes in the plan to the Chemical Safety Coordinator. A meeting of the Environmental Health and Safety committee may be called to discuss and incorporate those changes. Other changes may be requested by CCRI personnel or by one of the Emergency Contact Persons. It is the responsibility of the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police to ensure that all copies of the Emergency Response Plan are updated. The Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police may, at any time, issue a complete plan revision, if a series of amendments have adversely affected the structural continuity of the plan. Amendments are required if the plan fails in an emergency, the list of Emergency Contact Persons changes, the emergency equipment list changes, or if the college changes in any manner that may alter response procedures.


A weekly inspection of each hazardous materials/waste storage area is to be conducted by the Chemical Safety Coordinator or a designee. The inspector checks that all signs are in place and legible, fire extinguishers are in place and in operating condition, the inventory of safety and cleanup equipment is complete, waste containers are properly labeled and not stored more than 90 days, the area is properly secured, containment areas are free of debris, and all containers are in good condition and not leaking. Biomedical waste must be in rigid, fully labeled puncture-proof and leak proof containers suitable for incineration. The Chemical Safety Coordinator is responsible to see that all deficiencies are corrected immediately.


The hazardous waste management procedures below must be followed by all CCRI. personnel to ensure safe and proper handing of the waste materials commonly generated at the facility. These procedures will ensure compliance with regulation 310 CMR 30.350 concerning requirements for small quantity generators of hazardous waste. Under Rhode Island law, CCRI is considered a small quantity generator.

    The waste is a hazardous waste if any of the following is determined:
    • The waste is listed in 40 CFR § 261.31-261.33
    • The waste meets criteria listed in 40 CFR § 261.3
    • The waste meets criteria listed in 250-RICR-140-10-1.5(A)(82)
    • The waste exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:
      • Ignitability - A waste is an ignitable waste if: i) the waste is a liquid and has a flash point of less than 600 OF. ii) It is not a liquid and is capable under standard temperature and pressure of catching fire through friction, absorption of moisture or spontaneous chemical changes. iii) It is a compressed gas and ignitable. iv) It is an oxidizer.
      • Corrosivity - A waste is corrosive if the waste has any of the following properties: i) it is aqueous with a pH less than or equal to 2; ii) it is aqueous with a pH greater than or equal to 12.5. iii) It is liquid and corrodes steel.
      • Reactivity- A waste is reactive if it has any of the following properties:
        • It is normally unstable and readily undergoes violent changes without detonating.
        • It reacts violently with water.
        • It forms potentially explosive mixtures with water.
        • When mixed with water, it generates toxic gases, vapors or fumes.
        • It is a cyanide or sulfide-bearing waste, which when exposed to an acid can generate toxic gases, vapors or fumes.
        • It is capable of an explosive reaction if subjected to a strong initiating source or heated under confinement. vii) It is capable of explosive decomposition or reaction at ordinary temperature and pressure.
      • Toxicity - A substance is considered toxic if it listed in the latest edition of Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances in the Work Environment as published by the American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists and the list of carcinogens as published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
    • Regulated medical waste as defined in 250-RICR-140-15-1.2(C)
    • Any infectious material that potentially contains infectious agents that could lead to disease or death. Such potentially infectious materials include, blood, saliva, excised tissue, animals used culture materials, used or unused hypodermic needle, scalpels, broken glass. At CCRI, animals and animal organs used for teaching purposes are also stored and classified as biohazardous waste.
    • Accumulation Unit – As a Small Quantity Generator, hazardous waste may be accumulated on-site for up to 180 days from the accumulation start date. When the waste is placed in the accumulation area the date must be filled in on the label.
    • Satellite Accumulation Areas are designated by CCRI and clearly identified with signs. Hazardous waste may be accumulated at the point of generation and stored in a Satellite Accumulation Area under the conditions presented below. When the waste is placed in the Main Accumulation Area, the date must be entered on the label. The waste should be removed as often as necessary to ensure safe working conditions. Conditions for Satellite Accumulation Areas are as follows:
      • A threshold of 55 gallons of hazardous waste or one quart of acutely hazardous waste cannot be exceeded;
      • Only one container of each type of waste may be in the Satellite Accumulation Area at a time;
      • Each container must be clearly labeled and marked with the words, "Hazardous Waste", full chemical or common names of the waste, and the hazards associated with the wastes.
      • Within three days after a container is filled or dated, it must be moved to the main accumulation area. The container must be dated before moving it into the main accumulation area. 
  5. Main Accumulation Area Requirements- Areas where liquid hazardous wastes are stored prior to off site disposal must have an impervious surface that is free of cracks or gaps. Indoor storage of liquids must be restricted to areas where adequate preventative measures are in place to contain a potential release and prevent it from migrating outdoors.
    • Security - All hazardous waste accumulation areas must have security measures in place to prevent unknowing and unauthorized entry. The door to the accumulation area must remain locked at all times. Additionally, the accumulation area is posted with a sign stating "HAZARDOUS WASTE" in capital letters at least one inch high and visible from 25 feet.
    • Inspections: Main Accumulation Areas must be inspected on a weekly basis for leaking or damaged containers and spills. An inspection checklist form (See Appendix B) must be completed for each inspection. It is important to describe any corrective action taken and to note the date of correction.
    • Recordkeeping - All inspection forms must be filed and kept in the office of the Chemical Safety Coordinator for at least three years.
    • Containers Containers, such as drums, used for hazardous waste accumulation or satellite accumulation must be in good condition and made of materials, compatible with the waste being stored. Hazardous waste containers must be closed at all times except for the brief period that waste is being added to it. Plugs or bungs must be secured immediately after each waste addition. All containers used for hazardous waste accumulation must be labeled according to the requirements in the following section:
    • Labeling: All containers used to hold waste in the MAA must contain the following information:
        • The words "Hazardous Waste"
        • The full name of the college, "Community College of Rhode Island"
        • The full address of the campus where the waste is stored
        • The Campus EPA Identification Number (see part One of this plan)
        • The full names of the hazardous wastes
        • The type of hazard or hazards associated with the waste
        • The applicable EPA waste codes.
        • The accumulation start date when the container is filled.
        • All containers used to accumulate hazardous waste must have a label affixed to the side of the container. The accumulation start date must be filled in when the container is filled and transferred to the main accumulation area. The manifest number must be filled in when the container is offered for shipment along with the DOT shipping name.
      • Any container or package containing hazardous waste that is offered for transport must be labeled and marked according to the following DOT regulations:
      • The proper DOT label(s) must be placed on the surface of the container near the required hazardous waste label.
      • When two or more labels are required for a container or package or hazardous waste, the labels must be placed next to each other.
      • DOT labels must not be obscured be any markings or attachments.
      • For non-hazardous waste, a completed Non-Hazardous Waste label should be affixed as soon as any material is placed in the container.
    1. TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS WASTE:Prior to transporting hazardous waste off-site, the special waste handler ensures that all containers of hazardous waste are prepared for transport and all shipping papers are complete.
    • Manifest - Each shipment of hazardous waste must by accompanied by a completed manifest. (See Section 7 for additional Information regarding manifests.) For each type of waste included in the shipment, the proper DOT shipping name, number and type of containers, and EPA or state waste codes must be filled in. The manifest must be signed and dated by the generator and the transporter.
    • Placarding: The vehicle used for transport must be properly placarded according to DOT regulations.
    • Transporters: All hazardous waste must be transported by licensed and approved hazardous waste transporters.
    • Manifest and Landfill Disposal Restrictions: A manifest is required for any hazardous waste offered for transportation. The purpose of the manifest is to track the hazardous waste shipment from its point of generation to its final disposal site. CCRI must also evaluate each waste stream subject to 40 CFR part 261 requirements to determine if the waste is restricted from landfill disposal under 40 CFR part 268.
    • Responsibility: The generator of the hazardous waste and the outside vendor hazardous waste disposal technician are responsible for the initiation and preparation of the hazardous waste manifest. In some instances the transporter may provide the manifest and initiate its preparation. In those cases, the Chemical Safety Coordinator must review the manifest to ensure that it has been properly prepared and that all the Information is adequate. Each shipment of wastes prohibited from landfill disposal must be accompanied by a written notification form or "land ban" form in addition to a manifest form to indicate to the treatment or storage facility the appropriate treatment standards under 40 CFR part 268 subpart D and any applicable prohibiting levels under 40 GFR 268.32 or RORA 3004(D). The written notification form must include the EPA Hazardous Waste Number, the constituents of concern for certain wastes, the treatability group and waste analysis data (where available).
    • Manifest Forms - A uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest form is used in Rhode Island and in most other states in the country. Some states print the name and address of the hazardous waste authority on the form. Additionally, some states have a state manifest number and other additional requirements. The hazardous waste manifest to be used is the state where the waste is being sent. Manifest forms may be obtained from the hazardous waste disposal vendor.
    • Recordkeeping - CCRI must keep a copy of each manifest for five years after the initial transporter accepts the waste or until CCRI receives a signed copy from the designated facility that received the waste. CCRI must keep for five years from the date the waste was accepted by the initial transporter, the copy of the manifest signed by the owner or operator of the facility that received the waste. CCRI will retain copies of all notices, certifications, waste analysis data and other documentation related to landfill disposal restrictions for at least five years from the date of hazardous waste shipments. All the above records are kept at the Knight Campus office of the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police and at the office of the Chemical Safety Coordinator.


Any accidental release, spill, loss, exposure, contamination or other incident involving a hazardous substance, chemical or waste must be reported as soon as possible to the Department of Security and Safety and Campus Police on a standard Incident Form. The person reporting the incident must be familiar with the properties and hazards of the substance released. That person should be assisted in filling out the form by a member of the Campus Police force. Information about the release must include the following: exact location of the incident, names of persons involved, extent of personal injuries, extent of damage to college property, name(s) and amount of the substance, the hazard class of the substance (Corrosive, Flammable, Reactive, Toxic), anticipated hazards to personnel and the environment, what action was taken or is needed to correct the problem and whether or not outside assistance was needed. An example of a blank Incident Form is included Appendix D of this Plan.