Virtual Info Sessions
Who attends info sessions? Anyone wanting to learn what CCRI has to offer you!
High School Students
Virtual HS Info Session - 21 MINUTES with CCRI
Learn about Early College opportunities for juniors and seniors, the RI Promise Free College Scholarship, the JAA-Joint Admissions Agreement seamless transfer with RIC & URI, our 200+ programs & career pathways, and how to apply for Free in a 21 minute info session!
Adult Learners
Virtual Adult Learner Info Session
Learn about attending CCRI as an adult learner. Maybe you have decided to start or complete your degree, develop or strengthen your career skills, or embark on a new career. This info session will discuss the 200+ programs CCRI offers, the admissions process, academic support and financial assistance available to you.
Health Sciences - NEW
Virtual Health Sciences Info Session
Health Science Info Sessions are designed to provide an overview of the program and prerequisites needed to submit a PBHS-Performance-Based Health Science application.
Early College Opportunities - NEW
Virtual Early College Info Session
Early college programs at CCRI are a great way to offer high school students a pathway to earn college credit, gain valuable college experience, and reduce the time and expense of earning a college degree. At this session, learn the process of how students can attend CCRI in High School Enrichment, Running Start and Accelerate.