
When you report, we get stronger

Like this week's video module suggests, “When you report, we get stronger.” If you receive an email that you think might be suspicious, use the PAB – or Phish Alert Button – to let our team know. This can be found in your Outlook desktop app at the top of the window, as seen below:

When You Report, We Get Stronger

Stop those hackers! 

Now it's time to test what you know about security culture and preventing online threats. 

This web-based game is set in an office where a nefarious hacker is trying to get to an unlocked computer. You'll be asked to answer security awareness training-related questions correctly, which will move you closer to the workstation. If you answer incorrectly, the hacker will move closer.

Your goal? Stop the hacker, get to that workstation, and save the organization!

Danger Zone ⚠️

Added Bonus

For an added bonus, anyone who completes the above module can bring a copy of their certificate of completion – either a printout or a screenshot – to one of the following locations below for a free pack of Swedish Fish (the only kind of "phish" we enjoy in IT)! 

  • Warwick Campus: Help Desk, Room 2116
  • Lincoln Campus: IT Suite, Room 2323
  • Providence Campus: IT Suite, Room 2213
  • Newport Campus: Academic Computer Lab, Room 253

As always, remember to "Think before you click!" For additional info on what to look for when opening emails, check out these social engineering red flags

Thank you for participating in Cybersecurity Awareness Month!