- Marketing
- Web Services
- Summer Website Cleanup
Summer Website Cleanup
To ensure that visitors to our website are viewing accurate information, we are asking content managers to please review their web pages and update or delete content. This includes images, documents, videos, PDFs, text, etc. Please review the steps on this page to clean up your content.
Deleting old content
To delete old content first login to your site by clinking the "last updated" text in the footer of a page on your website. Enter your username and password.
Next when you are logged into Modern Campus CMS you want to click on "Back to pages" in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
Then you will see the files in your website.
Next go through all your files and delete everything that is not being used or is outdated. How do you determine what is not needed?
The first way would be to simply view the page, or document, or image and ask yourself. Do we still need this on our website? If not, then you can recycle (delete) it.
Another way, which is described in the instructions below, is to go ahead and recycle (delete) the page. When you do that, if the page, document, or image is being linked to from any other page on the CCRI website you will get a warning that will give you a list of pages that link to the file you are about to delete. If you don’t get that warning, then you know that the page is an orphan (not linked to any other pages) and you can go ahead and delete it. If you do get the warning, you can then go and remove the links form those pages and then recycle the file, or you might decide that you need to keep the file so you would not recycle it.
Do not delete your contact file which is _contact-info-2019.html do not delete your navigation which is _sidenav-2019.inc do not delete the _props.pcf file and donot delete your index.pcf (home page) file.
Below you will find the instructions to deleting the varius files on your website.
When you are looking at your files, your webpages are the files that end with .pcf, To delete a pcf file click the ellipsis to the right of the file name, then click the file dropdown, and then click "Recycle".
After you click Recycle a box might pop up that will show you pages that will now have broken links because you are deleting that page. You must visit those pages and remove those links to not create broken links on the website. You can screenshot the box, so you have the list of pages and then visit each page and remove the link. If you do not have access to the links let webservices know so they can assist in removing the links. Click the red recycle button and the page will be deleted.
To delete an image, go to your files. image files will end in .jpg, .png, .svg, .gif. Locate your images, usually they will be located in a folder named images, but they could be scattered around your site.
Next click the ellipsis to the right of the file name, then click the file dropdown, and then click "Recycle".
After you click Recycle a box might pop up that will show you pages that will now have broken links because you are deleting that image. You must visit those pages and remove those links to not create broken links on the website. You can screenshot the box so you have the list of pages and then visit each page and remove the link. If you donot have access to the links let webservices know so they can assist in removing the links. Click the red recycle button and the page will be deleted.
To delete a document go to your files. Document files will end in .pdf, .docx, .doc. Locate your documents, usually they will be located in a folder named pdfs or docs but they could be scattered around your site.
Next click the ellipsis to the right of the file name, then click the file dropdown, and then click "Recycle".
After you click Recycle a box might pop up that will show you pages that will now have broken links because you are deleting that document. You must visit those pages and remove those links to not create broken links on the website. You can screenshot the box so you have the list of pages and then visit each page and remove the link. If you do not have access to the links let webservices know so they can assist in removing the links. Click the red recycle button and the page will be deleted.
Now that all your old and outdated content is gone it’s time to clean up what’s left! Scroll back to the top and click the "Cleaning up good content" tab.
Cleaning Up Your Site
Now that you have deleted all your old and unused pages, images, and documents it's time to clean up your remaining content.
Please follow the steps below to get started!
Site Map / Navigation
First thing is to make sure your site is easy to navigate. Each site on the CCRI website
has it's own navigation. We recommend that your navigation have no more that 10 links
in it. If you have more than 10 links most likely some of your pages can be put into
a subdirectory which will create a dropdown in your navigation.
Take a look at the calendar navigation.
you can see the academic calendar link is a dropdown that contains all the relavent academic calendar links. That is because that link goes to a subdirectory within the calendar site.
Is your menue is too long? Is your site hard to navigate? Can some of your pages be consolidated? Please let us know so we can can better organize your site.
Titles and Descriptions
Now that your site is organized. You have to make sure users can find it. Most users use the search feature to navigate the website. To ensure usres get good results you want to make sure you have good titles and meta descriptions (along with having good content on your page).
The main title of your page is the green heading at the top of your main content section. It is the Heading 1 tag which tells search engins what your page is so it's important that it is desriptive.
Take for instance for the webservices page.
I will use the title of "Web Services". Avoid using titles like "About" or "Welcome" because they don't tell the search engins what the page is.
To change or update the main title on your page. Make sure you have the page checked out (lightbulb lit) and click the properties link.
Then under the "Custem Settings" Section you will see "Page Heading". After you update save and publish the page and you will have your new title!
Accordion Heading 1
Accordion Content 1
Accordion Heading 1
Accordion Content 1
Accordion Heading 1
Accordion Content 1
Dummy content to escape accordion. Delete if not needed.
Heading 4
The way to layout pages is to have a header (which should never be a link) then a paragraph (which is what this is) or a list or table, and then a button if needed... which is what's below.
Click to learn how to make a button
Mathead Image
Your main image for the page is the full with one at the top of the page to learn how to change it click here
Below are some list. Click here to learn how to make a list.
- kalsjd lkasd
- lkasjdlkasj
- askljdlaskdj
- laksjdlaksjd
- list item
- list item
- list item
- list item
- list item
- list item
- list item
- list item
- list item
- list item
- list item
Below is a table. click here to learn how to creat one.
Date | Day | Opponent | Location | Time | Result | Score |
To add another row to the table, use the "Insert Row" button found on the table toolbar above | {text} | {text} | {text} | {text} | {text} | {text} |
test | {text} | {text} | {text} | {text} | {text} | {text} |
Content Box
To put content in a box to make it stand out use the content box snippet ( access snippets in the wisiwig menu... it's the puzzle peice icon.)
accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expe