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CCRI sign policy FAQs

Why has CCRI instituted a sign policy?

Over the past several years, CCRI's campuses have increasingly become cluttered with paper signs and announcements that have been hung on, among other places, walls, doors, glass surfaces, columns and elevators. Along with contributing to an unattractive environment, this also violates the fire code as delineated by the municipalities in which our campuses are located. The sign policy is designed to recognize the needs of the college's distinct campuses while promoting a safe, uncluttered and more attractive environment.

The sign policy takes away many areas where notices can be posted. How can I get my message out?

Bulletin boards are, and have always been, the primary intended places for signs, announcements and notices on campus to be posted. When the college's sign committee began to study the problem, members realized that, if areas such as walls, doors, glass surfaces, columns and elevators were to be taken away, additional bulletin boards must be added.

Toward this end, members of the sign committee walked every hallway on every campus and determined optimum locations for new bulletin boards to be located. These high-visibility boards will help you spread your message to students, faculty and staff.

Did the sign committee consider the opinions of students and faculty?

Yes. Every effort was made to include student and faculty input. Student government leaders were encouraged to attend committee meetings, and a draft of the sign policy was presented to a number of faculty and students at a special meeting before the draft was forwarded to Governance.

How was the sign policy approved?

The sign committee drafted the policy and forwarded it to the proper Governance committee. Once it passed through the proper Governance channels, it was brought to President's Council, where the council voted unanimously to implement it.

Is a sign policy unique to CCRI?

No. Many campuses across the country have similar policies regarding signs. One nearby example is Rhode Island College.

Are faculty offices or student club areas affected?

No. The sign policy is specific that these areas are not included. Faculty members may post signs and notices on any surface in their offices, on the inside of their glass windows and on the inside or outside of their doors. Department offices and areas also are exempt. Student club areas fall under the same guidelines as faculty offices. The sign policy is intended to clean up public spaces and hallways.

Why was an exception made for student government elections?

Students have limited means to communicate with the general student body, so an exception was granted for student government elections. As spelled out in the sign policy, student candidates may post signs on various surfaces beginning three weeks prior to the election. All signs must be removed within 48 hours of the close of the election.

Who is responsible for the approval and removal of signs?

The sign policy specifies individuals on each campus who will have the responsibility of approving and stamping sign requests. The stamps will include a removal date. It is the sole responsibility of the individual/organization/department posting the signs to remove them by the stated removal date. Failure to remove signs by the removal date will result in a warning. Those who have repeated violations will risk denial of future sign requests.

I'm having an event and want to post signs. How many can I post?

One sign per event will be permitted per bulletin board. Multiple postings in one location are both wasteful and inconsiderate of other organizations and may be subject to immediate removal. The total allowable number of signs posted for any event is limited only by the total number of bulletin boards on a campus.

Can outside businesses or organizations post signs at CCRI?

One bulletin board per campus will be provided exclusively for outside/off-campus organizations and will be designated as a community bulletin board. In accordance with the college Alcohol Policy, no signs or displays may promote the sale or consumption of alcohol or drugs. No signs or displays may promote any organizations associated with adult entertainment. Signs posted on the community bulletin boards should be of general interest and benefit to the college community. Any outside organization wishing to post a sign or display in our campuses must receive a stamp of approval; any signs posted without stamps will be removed.