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Search Tools
The easiest way to locate Web pages and sites is by using what are known as Internet
search tools. Search tools include search engines, subject directories, and meta-search
engines. The lines distinguishing between the search tools are sometimes hazy: some
search engines have directory features and some subject directories have search engine
What are Search Engines?
Search engines use computer programs that search the Internet and collect and index
Web pages. Use a search engine when you want to:
Search for information on a narrow or obscure topic
Search for a topic that involves a combination of multiple concepts
Locate a specific site
Search the full text of millions of pages
Retrieve a large number of results
Find particular types of files
What are Subject Directories?
Subject directories present collections of links to Web resources that have been submitted
by individuals and organized into subject categories. Use a subject directory when
you want to:
Research a broad topic
View a list of sites selected by humans and not computer programs
Retrieve a list of relevant sites rather than individual Web pages
Retrieve a limited number of results
What are Meta-Search Engines?
Meta-search engines search the indexes of a number of search engines simultaneously
and retrieve the results. They are best used when you are:
In a hurry and want a quick overview on a subject
Conducting a very simple search
Searching for a very obscure topic and haven't had much luck using search engines
or subject directories