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Faculty Dashboard

This informational channel gives faculty members a quick, easy tool for viewing active classes, emailing class members as well as add their syllabus and office hours.

MyCCRI  Faculty Dashboard
Instructions Screenshots
Step 1

Login to MyCCRI and click on the For Faculty tab to access the Faculty Dashboard

image of the faculty dashboard
Step 2

The class name link takes you to the Faculty Detail Schedule which will display the enrollment count and scheduled meeting times.

image of the class link
Step 3

The Class list icon takes you to the Faculty Officially Enrolled Summary Class List. This is a listing of all students in the course. If there is a student in your class who does not appear on this list, please refer the student to the Office of Enrollment Services.

image of the class list icon
Step 4

The Syllabus icon goes to the Syllabus Information page. Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials and technical requirements for the course.

image of the syllabus icon
Step 5

The Clock icon takes you to the Office Hours page. Use this page to setup your office hours. The From/To Times and From/To Dates are required when adding office hours. Students may view your office hours when the Display indicator is checked. Office hours may be deleted by clearing out From/To Times or From/To Dates and clicking Submit.

image of the clock icon
Step 6

To change the default number of courses displayed in the channel, click the Pen icon/Edit button in the upper right corner of the channel. In the Number of Rows field, enter the number of records you want displayed, click Apply then the Back button.

image selecting the Edit icon
Step 7

To change the default beginning term of the list of classes, click the Pen icon/Edit button in the upper right hand corner of the channel. In the From Term pull-down list, select the appropriate term, click Apply then click the Back button

image of selecting the term

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