
Rhode Island Lifeguard Training

PHED 1440 – Lifeguard Training – Blended Learning (Red Cross)

Course Catalog Description

What you will earn if successful:

  1. American Red Cross Lifeguarding Certificate (CPR, AED, First Aid, Lifeguarding Skills)
  2. This course is a Blended Learning (Hybrid) course.  The first 7 hours will be online work.

To work at a RI State Pond, Lake, or Beach

  1. You must take an additional skills test (click here to be directed)
  2. You must bring your Lifeguard Certificate to this test and a license.

To view the Lifeguard Course Offerings

  1. Go to Available Courses
  2. Click “Search by subject, day, time and site”
  3. Select Term (Summer 1)
  4. Lifeguard Course is listed under “Physical Education(PHED)”
  5. Campus should be “Flanagan”
  6. Click “Class Search”
Textbook for this class is available for free online: Lifeguard Training
Class Times: (Each course listed is a separate and complete course all 2-Credits)
Course Semester/Dates Day Time
Lifeguard Training (Fall and Spring Semesters)
This is a Blended Learning (Hybrid) Course
Tuesdays 4:00-6:30 pm
Lifeguard Training  
(Blended Learning Course)
Link to Tuition and fees
Summer 2025 (May 2-4, 2025 or May 9-11)
  • Summer session courses (June) will be listed here when available (registration available March/April)
  • When registering:  PHED 1440 
    This is a Blended Learning (Hybrid) Course
  • Please email Kevin Salisbury after you register to receive the online link.  The online work must be completed prior to 1st day of class.
    (online & on site - Flanagan Campus, Lincoln, RI)
    Prerequisites are below
  • *Prerequisite testing will be administered during the first in-person class session.





  1. Registration for all courses takes place at the CCRI Admissions office.
  2. If you have never taken classes at CCRI prior, you must apply and register in person.
  3. If you are a high school student you will need the High School Enrichment and Application Form
           or you can find the form here as well.
  4. The Blended Learning Lifeguard Course includes on online portion. You will receive an email for the online registration portion of the course. Please be sure you have an active email on your CCRI account. All correspondence will be sent to your MyCCRI email that ends in [email protected].

Fees: Link to College fees


Kevin S. Salisbury

Contact for Questions: [email protected]

Office Hours: By appointment (usually in office 45 minutes prior to class)

Prerequisites: (administered during first hour of class)

  1. Must be 15 Years old.
  2. Jump into the water from the side, totally submerge, recover to the surface and swim 150 yards.
    • After swimming 150 yards, maintain position at the surface of the water without support for 2 minutes by treading.
    • After maintaining position at the surface of the water for 2 minutes, swim 50 more yards.
    • While treading, your hands must remain in your armpits to only allow your legs to keep you afloat.
    • While swimming, you must use crawl stroke (face in water with rotary breathing) and breaststroke or a combination of the two.
  3. Starting in the water, swim 20 yards using front crawl or breaststroke, surface dive 7-10 feet, retrieve 10-pound object, return to surface, swim 20 yards back with your face out of the water to the starting point with the object and exit the water without using ladders or steps, within 1 minute, 40 seconds. You must have two hands on the brick at all times.
  4. These skills must be met in order to remain in the course.


Student Conduct

Students should also refer to the following web page for a complete description of Classroom/Conduct rules and regulations. You are expected to know them and abide by them.

Violation of any of these rules (including those in the Student Disciplinary Code) may result in discipline that could include expulsion from this course.

Campus Police

Student Hanbook

Students with Special Needs

Any student with a documented disability may arrange reasonable accommodations. As part of this process, students are encouraged to contact the office of Disability Accessibility for Students as early in the semester as possible.


If a participant passes this course and wishes to work at a RI State Beach, Pond, or Lake, they must take a separate test that is administered by the State of Rhode Island. You must bring your certifications that you receive from this Lifeguarding Course to the State test. If you are under the age of 18 a parent or guardian must be with you in order to take the test. The link to the test dates are below.

Rhode Island State Lifeguard Information – Tests and Dates

United States Lifeguard Standards Coalition

Here is a list of information that may be helpful:

Article on Legal Responsibilities:  Link

Here is a list of several online aquatic communities: