
Videos on our tools

Navigating Online Resources

Hear from Sharon Siedliski about how to utilize online resources to explore career interests. 

Interview Preparation

HandshakeCheck out our new virtual interview workshop. This workshop provides tips on preparing for interview questions and setting up your physical space to succeed in online interviews.

MyMajors Assessment

The MyMajors Career Assessment video provides an overview of the self-assessment and it's benefits. Complete this career assessment to find suggested programs and pathways to consider.

How to Make a Career Choice

Self-assessment has 4 components: Values, Interests, Personality Style and Skills. 

Work values can be what's important to you in a career: salary, location, opportunity for growth, travel, creativity, working independently or on a team are just some examples.  Interests can be divided into working with Things, Data, People or Ideas. Personality Style is about how you make decisions, take in information, where you gain your energy from and how you live your life.  Skills are those you feel you are good at now and the skills you think you'd like to attain in the future. 

This short 6-minute video link explains this and gives a brief overview of our services at CCRI Career Services. 

TypeFocus7: Online Career Assessment

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How to Use Handshake