
AI and Interview Preparation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how we prepare for and conduct interviews. By leveraging AI tools, you can gain a competitive edge, enhance your interview performance, and increase your chances of landing your dream job. The information below will help you with practical strategies and tips on how to effectively use AI to ace your interviews.

Feel free to enter the prompts noted below into your favorite AI tool, like ChatGPT or Google Gemini.

General Interview Preparation Prompts

  • Generate common interview questions for a [job title] position.
  • Provide potential answers to the question "Tell me about yourself."
  • Create a mock interview scenario for a [job title] position.
  • Give me tips on how to answer behavioral interview questions.
  • Help me craft a strong elevator pitch for my [job title] experience.

Industry-Specific Prompts

  • Provide common interview questions for a [industry] role.
  • Generate potential questions a [job title] in [industry] might face.
  • Help me prepare for a case study interview in [industry].
  • Give me examples of how to answer technical questions in a [tech role] interview.

Company-Specific Prompts

  • Analyze the company culture of [company name] and suggest how to align my answers.
  • Identify potential interview questions based on [company's] recent news or challenges.
  • Practice answering questions about my fit with [company name]’s mission and values.

Skill-Based Prompts

  • Help me practice answering questions about my [skill].
  • Provide examples of how to showcase my [skill] in an interview.
  • Give me tips on how to quantify my achievements related to [skill].

Mock Interview Prompts

  • Ask me [#] questions that I will probably be asked in an interview. Ask me one question at a time. Wait for me to type my response before asking me the next question. After I answer the [#]th question, provide some feedback to responses and give me advice on how to better answer the questions and prepare for the interview.

Additional Tips

  • Be specific: The more specific your prompt, the better the AI can assist you.
  • Iterate: Don't be afraid to refine your prompts based on the initial results.
  • Combine AI with human input: Use AI as a tool to supplement your own research and preparation.