(know your lobes)

Dscn1850.jpg (78060 bytes) Dscn1851.jpg (81158 bytes) Ventrolateral view, cranial lobe

Dscn1853.jpg (75818 bytes) Dscn1852.jpg (79022 bytes) Ventrolateral view, middle lobe

Dscn1854.jpg (74931 bytes) Dscn1855.jpg (74681 bytes) Ventrolateral view, caudal lobe

The lungs are the major respiratory organs of the body.  They are responsible for the exchange of the respiratory gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide.  In getting rid of carbon dioxide they function as a major excretory organ.  To facilitate the gas exchange they have undergone miniaturization that effectively increases the surface area to volume ratio.  The functional unit of the lung is the microscopic alveolus.  There are three lobes in the left lung of the cat but only two lobes in the human left lung.

Last Updated: 3/3/25