Dscn1856.jpg (84237 bytes) Dscn1857.jpg (84443 bytes) Ventrolateral view, left internal thoracic artery

Dscn1894.jpg (82462 bytes) Dscn1895.jpg (84826 bytes) Ventral view, left internal thoracic artery

Dscn1964.jpg (93487 bytes) Dscn1965.jpg (98942 bytes) Ventral view, right internal thoracic artery

The internal thoracic (mammary) artery is usually the first branch of the subclavian artery on both sides.  It serves the ventral (anterior) thoracic wall.  There is one on the left and one on the right.   They normally run along both sides of the sternum.

COPYRIGHT 2007 by William C. Johnson II

Last Updated: 1/27/25