AKA: Postcava

Dscn1872.jpg (86401 bytes) Dscn1871.jpg (83321 bytes) Ventrolateral view, right side

Note that the caudal vena cava is medial to the right lung - therefore, it should not be confused with the azygos vein that is found dorsal to the right lung.  The caudal vena cava transports all the blood from caudal (inferior) to the diaphragm back to the right atrium of the heart.  It begins where the two common iliac veins join in the caudal (inferior) abdominal region.  In the thoracic cavity the phrenic nerve runs to the diaphragm along the caudal vena cava.

COPYRIGHT 2007 by William C. Johnson II

Last Updated: 11/25/24