Dscn1779.jpg (78482 bytes) Dscn1780.jpg (73789 bytes) Ventral view, left side

Dscn1781.jpg (82907 bytes) Dscn1782.jpg (73037 bytes) Ventral view, left side

Dscn1783.jpg (78052 bytes) Dscn1784.jpg (75548 bytes) Craniolateral view, left side

Cat information:
pectoralis major
originmanubrium, the first three divisions
          of the sternum and the median raphe

insertion:  greater tubercle and along a line
          to the pectoral ridge of humerus
nerve:  anterior thoracic 
adducts arm

Note that is muscle can be tagged in three places!

15.gif (36323 bytes) Anterior view, right side Anterior view of origin and insertion, right side

Human information:
pectoralis major (sternal division)
origin:  sternum, costal cartilages of ribs 1-6
insertion:  lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus
nerve:  lateral and medial pectoral (C7, 8, and T1)
action:  extends humerus to approximately 90 degrees

16.GIF (25078 bytes) Anterior view, right side

Human information:
pectoralis major (clavicular division)
origin:  anterior surface of medial third of clavicle
insertion:  lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus
nerve:  lateral pectoral (C5 and C6)
action:  flexes humerus to approximately 90 degrees
action together
:  adduction, internal (medial) rotation,
        horizontal adduction of arm

Note that the pectoralis major is one of the five muscles in the group we refer to as the muscles that move the arm (not including the rotator cuff muscles).  The above drawing of the origin and insertion might help visualize this information (red is the origin, blue the insertion).  Both divisions are on the same origin/insertion drawing.

COPYRIGHT 2009 by William C. Johnson II

Last Updated: 8/26/24