Vertebrae- transverse costal facet

Dscn0491.jpg (57011 bytes) Lateral view

  401.jpg (65691 bytes) Posterior view

The transverse costal facet is the surface that articulates with the tubercle of the rib with the same number for the first ten thoracic vertebrae. For example, the transverse costal facet of thoracic vertebra 5 articulates with the tubercle of rib 5.  There are ligaments that hold the rib and transverse process together.  Functionally these articulations in combination with the articulations with the head of the rib at the body of the vertebrae are important because they limit the mobility of the thoracic vertebrae.  Thoracic vertebrae 11 and 12 do not have costal facets.

COPYRIGHT 2007 by William C. Johnson II



Last Updated: 6/17/24