A facet is a flat or nearly flat surface on a bone. A demifacet is actually half of a facet and is where part of the head of the rib or part of the costal cartilage articulates and these are usually found on ribs 2 through 9. The superior demifacet of the body of the vertebra receives the head of the rib with the same number as the vertebra of interest. For example, rib 5 articulates with thoracic vertebra 5 at its superior demifacet. The inferior demifacet of the body of the vertebra receives the head of the rib with a number greater than the number of the vertebra. For example, rib 5 articulates with thoracic vertebra 4 at is inferior demifacet. Instead of a single facet for the costal cartilage of rib 7 on the body of the sternum, there may a demifacet on the inferior end of the body of the sternum as well as one on the xiphoid process. These demifacets articulate with the costal cartilage of rib 7.
2007 by William C. Johnson II