Sternum- manubrium (handle)

Anterior view, anatomical position

The manubrium (handle) is the superior most of the sternebrae and is at the level of the bodies of thoracic vertebrae 3 and 4.  It articulates inferiorly with the body of the sternum (this is the sternal angle or angle of Louis).  It also articulates with the clavicle, rib 1 and the superior half of rib 2 (demifacet) on each side.  Superior to the manubrium we find the suprasternal (jugular) notch.  The manubrium forms part of the origin of pectoralis major as well as part of the origin for the sternocleidomastoid, sternohyoid, and sternothyroid muscles.

COPYRIGHT 2007 by William C. Johnson II


Last Updated: 6/17/24