Sternum- body (gladiolus)

Anterior view, anatomical position

The body of the sternum is formed from four fused bones (sternebrae).  The fusion of these bones is complete after puberty.  It articulates superiorly with the manubrium (this is the sternal angle or angle of Louis) and inferiorly with the xiphoid process.  It also articulates with the inferior half of rib 2 (this is a demifacet), ribs 3 through 6, and the superior half of rib 7 (this too is a demifacet) directly.  Ribs 8, 9 and 10 attach to the body indirectly by joining the costal cartilage of rib 7.  It forms part of the origin for the pectoralis major and the diaphragm.

COPYRIGHT 2007 by William C. Johnson II


Last Updated: 6/17/24