Scapula- superior angle

Posterior - superior view
Dscn0443.jpg (89298 bytes) Posterior view, anatomical position

The superior angle of the scapula is at the level of the spinous process of thoracic vertebra 2.  It is where the medial and superior borders of the scapula meet.  The superior angle of the scapula is of functional importance because it is the insertion for:
1.    the levator scapulae ventralis muscle,
Posterior (superficial) view of levator scapulae ventralis insertion, right side
2.    the serratus ventralis muscle.
Anterior (deep) view of insertion of serratus ventralis, right side
  The above drawings of the insertions might help visualize this information (blue is the insertion).

COPYRIGHT 2009 by William C. Johnson II


Last Updated: 6/17/24