Clavicle- acromial end

Dscn0479.jpg (49723 bytes) Superior view

Dscn0480.jpg (49365 bytes) Inferior view

Right side, inferior view
Right side, superior view
Left side, inferior view
Left side, superior view

The distal (acromial) end of the clavicle looks like a field hockey stick.  Remember that the end of the hockey stick that touches the ground is distal to your hands.  The inferior side is recognized by the fact the distal end has a concavity that faces downward while the superior side is smooth.  It articulates with the acromion process of the scapula.  The distal end of the clavicle is of functional importance because it is the origin for:
1.    the anterior division of the deltoid muscle,
Inferior view of deltoid origin, right side
Superior view of deltoid origin, right side
It is also the insertion for:
1.    the superior division of the trapezius muscle.
Superior view of superior division of the trapezius insertion, right side 
The above drawings of the origin and insertion might help visualize this information (red is the origin, blue the insertion).  Improved photos were donated by Paula S. (fall 2007).  Thank you so much Paula!

COPYRIGHT 2009 by William C. Johnson II


Last Updated: 6/17/24