Dscn1530.jpg (37946 bytes) Dscn1529.jpg (35149 bytes) Dscn1528.jpg (35529 bytes) Ventral view, female pelvic region

The levator ani is primarily skeletal muscle, and is, therefore, under conscious control. It forms the anterior portion of the pelvic diaphragm and it is by far the majority of that diaphragm.  You should remember that the coccygeus muscle is also part, if somewhat smaller, of the pelvic diaphragm.  This diaphragm extends across the diamond shape of the pelvic outlet.  Some anatomists consider the external sphincter ani to be part of the levator ani, while others consider it a separate structure. The levator ani provides minimal support to the urogenital organs. It also supports pelvic viscera, lifts anal canal, and forms a sphincter for the vagina. We will consider it to be one muscle. However, technically it is made, up of three muscles, the iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus, and puborectalis.  You will not be responsible for these names (whew!). This is one of the muscles that is active during the Kegel exercises.

COPYRIGHT 2007 by William C. Johnson II