Dscn1623.jpg (33941 bytes) Lateral view (superficial surface), right side

Dscn1624.jpg (39728 bytes) Superior view, right side

Dscn1626.jpg (27546 bytes) Superior view, left side

The iliac crest extends from the anterior superior iliac spine posteriorly to the posterior superior iliac spine.  The iliac crest is the insertion for:
1.    external abdominal oblique (anterior half of the iliac crest).
The iliac crest is the origin for:
1.    gluteus maximus (posterior portion),
2.    internal abdominal oblique,
3.    latissimus dorsi (posterior portion),
4.    quadratus lumborum,
5.    tensor fasciae latae (anterior portion of outer lip),
6.    transverse abdominis.

COPYRIGHT 2006 by William C. Johnson II