We wish to acknowledge Dr. Louis Zanella's generosity in giving us permission to include material from his dissector in this web site.  It is a wonderful addition to this study tool and we are grateful to him.

A Regional Dissector of the Cat, Louis J. Zanella , Ed.D., 1996

Chapter 9:  Pelvis

The bony pelvis is formed by the right os coxa , anteriorly and laterally on the right, the left os coxa DSCN1679.jpg (65433 bytes) DSCN1680.jpg (58302 bytes), anteriorly and laterally on the left and the sacrum Dscn1650.jpg (34025 bytes) Dscn1654.jpg (30931 bytes)  and coccyx , dorsally between the two os coxae.

Refer to individual human bones and study the bony landmarks. On the os coxa  locate the ilium Dscn1627.jpg (37292 bytes) Dscn1628.jpg (34577 bytes), ischium Dscn1640.jpg (39329 bytes) Dscn1641.jpg (35273 bytes), and pubis Dscn1678.jpg (28879 bytes). Observe that they meet at the acetabulum Dscn1645.jpg (31393 bytes) Dscn1646.jpg (39871 bytes). Identify  on the ischium the tuberosity Dscn1641.jpg (35273 bytes), lesser sciatic notch Dscn1644.jpg (30957 bytes), and spine Dscn1639.jpg (38310 bytes); on the pubis, the pubic crest Dscn1662.jpg (28551 bytes) Dscn1663.jpg (30508 bytes), tubercle Dscn1666.jpg (28360 bytes) Dscn1665.jpg (27189 bytes) and symphyseal surface ; on the ilium, the fossa Dscn1627.jpg (37292 bytes) Dscn1628.jpg (34577 bytes), crest Dscn1623.jpg (33941 bytes) Dscn1624.jpg (39728 bytes) Dscn1626.jpg (27546 bytes), tubercle Dscn1632.jpg (28038 bytes) Dscn1631.jpg (14743 bytes), anterior superior spine Dscn1614.jpg (28208 bytes), anterior inferior spine Dscn1611.jpg (28179 bytes), posterior superior spine Dscn1635.jpg (38349 bytes) Dscn1636.jpg (29062 bytes), posterior inferior spine Dscn1633.jpg (43737 bytes) Dscn1634.jpg (30914 bytes), and auricular surface Dscn1618.jpg (28985 bytes). The greater sciatic notch Dscn1621.jpg (33203 bytes) is formed by the ilium and the ischium.

Identify on the sacrum the promontory Dscn1656.jpg (25069 bytes), sacral canal Dscn1652.jpg (29816 bytes) Dscn1653.jpg (26833 bytes), anterior sacral foramina Dscn1650.jpg (34025 bytes) and posterior sacral foramina Dscn1654.jpg (30931 bytes). Observe the three to five rudimentary vertebrae of the coccyx.

Refer to an articulated human pelvis and study the bony landmarks. Identify  the pelvic brim (pelvic inlet) Dscn1671.jpg (25450 bytes) Dscn1670.jpg (26681 bytes), iliopectineal line Dscn1677.jpg (25930 bytes), sacroiliac articulation Dscn1673.jpg (26437 bytes), obturator foramen Dscn1674.jpg (30843 bytes), acetabulum Dscn1645.jpg (31393 bytes) Dscn1646.jpg (39871 bytes), symphysis pubis Dscn1658.jpg (23994 bytes) Dscn1657.jpg (26941 bytes), pubic angle Dscn1660.jpg (25486 bytes) Dscn1661.jpg (28973 bytes) and pelvic outlet Dscn1668.jpg (33859 bytes) Dscn1667.jpg (32473 bytes). Compare the male and female pelvis. Identify  the traits which distinguish one from the other.

Examine the female genital system.  Identify the body of the uterus Dscn1536.jpg (39143 bytes) dorsal to the urinary bladder. Trace the paired uterine horns Dscn1535.jpg (34995 bytes) Dscn1534.jpg (40447 bytes) cranially from the body of the uterus to the smaller uterine tubes (oviducts) Dscn1546.jpg (37505 bytes) Dscn1545.jpg (30076 bytes) Dscn1544.jpg (22943 bytes). The uterine tube courses first cranially, lateral to the ovary and then caudally. The distal end of the uterine tube forms a funnel-like infundibulum Dscn1540.jpg (37072 bytes) Dscn1539.jpg (33901 bytes) Dscn1538.jpg (31448 bytes). The oval-shaped ovaries Dscn1543.jpg (37931 bytes) Dscn1542.jpg (30596 bytes) Dscn1541.jpg (33870 bytes) lie just caudal to the kidneys.

Examine the broad ligaments (peritoneum), supporting the ovaries, uterine tubes and uterus Dscn1549.jpg (38957 bytes) Dscn1548.jpg (34839 bytes) Dscn1547.jpg (36393 bytes). The mesovarium extends from the dorsal body wall to the ovary, the mesosalpinx extends between the uterine tube and the dorsal body wall, and the mesometrium extends between the uterus and the dorsal body wall of the lumbar and pelvis region.

Identify the suspensory ligament of the ovary containing the ovarium artery and vein. It is the most lateral part of the cranial border of the broad ligament.  The round ligament Dscn1533.jpg (35160 bytes) Dscn1532.jpg (31289 bytes) Dscn1531.jpg (26204 bytes) of the uterus extends along the mesometrium from the cranial end of the uterine horn to the internal inguinal ring.

Remove the skin from the pubic region and with a scalpel make a midventral incision through the muscles to the pubic symphysis. Continue the incision through the midventral symphysis.  Bend both thighs dorsally as far as possible. Carefully dissect the fat and fascia away from the pelvic diaphragm Dscn1530.jpg (37946 bytes) Dscn1529.jpg (35149 bytes) Dscn1528.jpg (35529 bytes) which attaches the vagina and the rectum to the pelvic outlet.

Identify the vagina Dscn1559.jpg (40041 bytes) Dscn1558.jpg (32298 bytes) caudal to the body of the uterus and trace it caudally through the pelvic canal. Trace the urethra caudally to its union with the vagina. The vagina is continuous caudally with the vestibule Dscn1555.jpg (41986 bytes) Dscn1554.jpg (37774 bytes) Dscn1553.jpg (31568 bytes), which extends from the vagina to the outside.  Incise around the opening of the vestibule and separate the vestibule and vagina from the rectum. Make a longitudinal incision through the lateral wall of the vestibule, vagina and body of the uterus. Identify the opening of the urethra Dscn1557.jpg (39092 bytes) Dscn1556.jpg (30921 bytes) in the ventral wall between the vestibule and vagina. Note that the wall of the vestibule is smooth and that of the vagina contains longitudinal ridges, rugae Dscn1552.jpg (38879 bytes) Dscn1551.jpg (30108 bytes) Dscn1550.jpg (31786 bytes). The cervix is the junction between the vagina and the uterus.

Examine the male genital system. Make a midventral incision through the skin of the pubic region and reflect the skin laterally. Clean the fat and identify the spermatic cords Dscn1575.jpg (30878 bytes) Dscn1574.jpg (33200 bytes) and their covering, the spermatic fascia, as they pass superficially ventrolateral to the pelvic symphysis. Trace and identify each spermatic cord with its spermatic fascia caudally to the scrotum. Make a vertical incision in the right scrotum and remove  and observe the fascial sac Dscn1594.jpg (36499 bytes) Dscn1593.jpg (42649 bytes) , which lies at the caudal end of the spermatic fascia within the scrotum. Remove the left fascial sac.

Make a longitudinal incision in the right fascial sac. Remove and observe the large, round testis Dscn1597.jpg (31920 bytes). Extend the incision cranially along the spermatic fascia to the abdominal wall. Observe the ductus deferens (vas deferens) which is accompanied by the internal testicular arteries and veins within the spermatic fascia.

Trace the ductus deferens caudally to the tail of the epididymis Dscn1592.jpg (38018 bytes) Dscn1591.jpg (29463 bytes).  Identify the tail of the epididymis on the caudal end of the testis, the body of the epididymis Dscn1587.jpg (31254 bytes) Dscn1588.jpg (28671 bytes) on the dorsal surface of the testis, and the head of the epididymis Dscn1590.jpg (39357 bytes) Dscn1589.jpg (29437 bytes) on the craniolateral surface of the testis. The tunica albuginea encapsulates the testis and the epididymis.

On the bull testis, Identify the tunica vaginalis (fascial sac) Dscn1594.jpg (36499 bytes) Dscn1593.jpg (42649 bytes) and the cremaster muscle Dscn1582.jpg (39832 bytes) Dscn1581.jpg (34140 bytes) in the spermatic fascia. Open the fascial sac and the spermatic fascia.  Identify the epididymis Dscn1586.jpg (39723 bytes) Dscn1585.jpg (26860 bytes) Dscn1584.jpg (34236 bytes) Dscn1583.jpg (23341 bytes) (head Dscn1590.jpg (39357 bytes) Dscn1589.jpg (29437 bytes), body Dscn1587.jpg (31254 bytes) Dscn1588.jpg (28671 bytes) and tail Dscn1592.jpg (38018 bytes) Dscn1591.jpg (29463 bytes)) on the testis and the vas deferens originating from the tail of the epididymis and passing cranially through the spermatic fascia.  Make a midsagittal section of the testis through the epididymis. Identify the seminiferous tubules Dscn1596.jpg (37975 bytes) Dscn1595.jpg (28122 bytes), which make up the mass of the testis and the tunica albuginea Dscn1597.jpg (31920 bytes) Dscn1598.jpg (30569 bytes), which surrounds the seminiferous tubules.

With a scalpel make a midventral incision through the muscles to the pubic symphysis. Continue the incision through the midventral symphysis.  Bend both thighs dorsally as far as possible.  Carefully dissect the fat and fascia away from the pelvic diaphragm Dscn1529.jpg (35149 bytes) Dscn1528.jpg (35529 bytes) (note that these are pictures of a female's pelvic diaphragm, but the male's would be in the same location and look essentially the same), which attach the penis and the rectum at the pelvic outlet.

Trace the ductus deferens cranially through the inguinal canal.  It courses medially and loops around the ureter Dscn1580.jpg (32183 bytes) Dscn1579.jpg (35968 bytes) Dscn1578.jpg (36052 bytes) and courses caudally to enter the dorsal aspect of the prostatic urethra.  Identify the prostate Dscn1573.jpg (38860 bytes) Dscn1572.jpg (43539 bytes) at the point of entrance of the ductus deferens.

Examine the root of the penis caudal to the urethra.  It consists of a single bulb and two crura.  The bulb lies dorsomedial to the crura.  The crura are attached laterally to the ramus of the ischium by the ischiocavernosus muscle.  Transect the crura Dscn1566.jpg (40074 bytes) Dscn1564.jpg (39880 bytes) Dscn1565.jpg (33114 bytes) from their attachment to the ischium and observe the cylindrical erectile tissue.

Identify the penis Dscn1568.jpg (38533 bytes) Dscn1567.jpg (37245 bytes) from the rectum and identify the paired bulbourethral glands Dscn1563.jpg (40615 bytes) Dscn1562.jpg (36815 bytes) Dscn1561.jpg (34352 bytes) on the dorsolateral aspect of the distal end of the membranous urethra. The body of the penis extends distally from the root of the penis to the glans penis Dscn1571.jpg (39403 bytes) Dscn1570.jpg (37595 bytes) Dscn1569.jpg (25465 bytes).  The glans penis is surrounded by a sheath of skin, the prepuce.  Remove the skin and observe the enlarged glans penis and its spines.

Displace the rectum and urinary bladder to the right. Clean the arteries lateral and dorsal to the rectum.  Observe the external iliac arteries Dscn1471.jpg (29618 bytes) Dscn1470.jpg (34963 bytes) as they arise from the aorta and course to the lower limbs.

Identify the internal iliac arteries Dscn1473.jpg (27678 bytes) Dscn1472.jpg (38964 bytes) as they arise from the terminal portion of the aorta.  Trace them caudally to the pelvic cavity and identify their branches.  The cranial vesicle (umbilical) artery Dscn1497.jpg (31118 bytes) Dscn1496.jpg (36133 bytes) is the first branch of the internal iliac artery.  It courses ventrolaterally to the urinary bladder.

The cranial gluteal artery Dscn1500.jpg (34946 bytes) Dscn1499.jpg (35218 bytes) Dscn1498.jpg (29826 bytes) arises from the internal iliac artery caudal to the vesicle artery, deep within the pelvic cavity.  It courses dorsolaterally over the greater sciatic (ischiatic) notch to the gluteal muscles.  The caudal gluteal artery Dscn1486.jpg (33015 bytes) Dscn1485.jpg (35202 bytes) Dscn1484.jpg (31186 bytes) arises from the internal iliac artery caudal to the cranial gluteal artery and courses dorsolaterally over the lesser sciatic notch to the gluteal region.  It is accompanied by the lumbosacral cord.

The internal pudendal artery (middle hemorrhoidalDscn1483.jpg (29284 bytes) Dscn1482.jpg (32464 bytes) Dscn1481.jpg (33690 bytes) is the terminal branch of the internal iliac artery.  It courses ventrally and then caudally along the lateral surface of the rectum.  The aorta continues caudally as the medial sacral artery Dscn1480.jpg (34808 bytes) Dscn1479.jpg (38670 bytes), which courses along the ventral aspect of the tail.  The left and right common iliac veins join to form the caudal vena cava Dscn1492.jpg (25688 bytes) Dscn1491.jpg (41583 bytes).

Identify the obturator nerve Dscn1476.jpg (23387 bytes) Dscn1475.jpg (30498 bytes) Dscn1474.jpg (36633 bytes) medial to the psoas minor muscle, as it passes caudally along the lateral wall of the pelvis, dorsomedial to the common iliac vein.  It passes through the obturator foramen Dscn1674.jpg (30843 bytes).

Identify the lumbosacral cord (trunk) Dscn1478.jpg (33702 bytes) Dscn1477.jpg (38377 bytes)   caudal to the origin of the obturator nerve and dorsal to the internal iliac artery and vein.  The lumbosacral cord and the first sacral nerve join to form the sciatic (ischiatic) nerve to the lateral surface of the thigh.