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Cindy Hansen

M.D., Brown University

B.A. in Biology, Williams College

Associate Professor, Biology Department


All Liston campus biology lab classes are full when enrollment reaches 18 students.  Larger classes are not permitted, and I will not sign any override slips for any biology sections. Enrollment services is maintaining a waiting list for all biology courses.  You must get on the waiting list through myCCRI or through Enrollment Services.  I cannot place you on the waiting list.  I will not be returning phone calls re: enrollment issues.  Please do not ask me to sign you into the course. 


As I have stated in class, because of potential privacy issues, I do not respond to email or telephone requests for course grades or exam grades.  Thank you for understanding.

If you have questions concerning books for the fall semester, please check the bookstore's web pages for information concerning your course textbooks.


 Fall 2013 

    Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology (BIOL 0600 sections 600 and 602)
    Biology in the Modern World (BIOL 1005 section 301)
    Human Physiology (BIOL 1020 sections 301, and 302)     
    Human Anatomy (BIOL 1010 section 306 - Lab)

"We are to regard the mind, not as a piece of iron to be laid upon the anvil and hammered into any shape, nor as a block of marble in which we are to find the statue by removing the rubbish, or as a receptacle into which knowledge may poured; but as a flame that is to be fed, as an active being that must be strengthened to think and to feel - and to dare, to do, and to suffer." 

- Mark Hopkins, 1836