Dscn1756.jpg (72408 bytes) Dscn1755.jpg (86135 bytes) Lateral view, left side

Cat information:
acromiodeltoid (cat only � corresponds
        to the lateral portion of the deltoid)
origin:  caudal border of the acromion
        and sometimes the metacromion
insertion:  superficial surface of
        spinodeltoid and humerus
nerve:  axillary
action:  flexes and rotates shoulder (arm)

13.gif (24385 bytes) Lateral view, right side Posterior view of origin, right side
Anterior view of insertion, right side Posterior view of insertion, right side

Human information:
acromiodeltoid (cat only � corresponds
        to the lateral (middle) portion of the
        deltoid which is pictured above)
origin:  the acromion process of scapula
insertion:  deltoid tuberosity of humerus
nerve:  axillary (C5 and C6)
action:  abducts shoulder (arm)

This is one of the five muscles in the group we refer to as the muscles that move the arm (not including the rotator cuff muscles).  The above drawings of the origin and insertion might help visualize this information (red is the origin, blue the insertion).  The origin included here is for the middle and posterior divisions of the deltoid.  The other two divisions will be discussed with their corresponding cat muscles.

COPYRIGHT 2009 by William C. Johnson II

Last Updated: 9/9/24